Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) Before and After, What to Expect

24Marbefore and after trt

Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) has been around for several decades but has become far more popular recently. This could be caused by many different factors. Perhaps the western world is just starting to find out how big this problem is amongst its males, as some studies are showing that upwards of 40% of men suffer from the signs & symptoms of low testosterone. As troubling as that is, other studies have shown that as few as 12% of men suffering from low testosterone will actually seek treatment.

Perhaps the increase in men seeking TRT, although the number of those doing so is still quite small in terms of the overall declining testosterone levels amongst our population, has something to do with the recent acknowledgment of declining birth rate and sperm rates in the western world. This has caused great alarm in certain circles, as the replacement rate for our society to continue to grow or even stay at our current levels is 2.1 children per household, but the actual numbers have dropped far below that rate.

Others attribute the rise in Testosterone Replacement Therapy to the advent of anti-aging clinics, practices like Prolong Labs that have dedicated their lives to assisting men with low testosterone levels to help them find the treatment they need to get their levels back up to where they should be. These clinics are doing our society a great service, as most primary care physicians don’t understand the scale of this problem across the men of our society, and even those who do may not understand the drastic effects it can have on a man’s life.

Whatever the reason, it is important for men to know everything that they can about Testosterone Replacement Therapy, what benefits it can provide and how to go about getting evaluated for whether or not they need to undergo TRT. 

We will use this article to go over some of the basics: the symptoms of Low T, the benefits of TRT, the typical results of undergoing treatment, testimonials from those who have, and how men who identify with the symptoms of low testosterone can find the safe, effective and affordable treatment they need from anti-aging clinics like Prolong Labs.


The western world has recently come to understand that many of their men are suffering from the symptoms of low testosterone, but haven’t quite figured out exactly why yet. Low testosterone levels can negatively affect a man’s life in many ways, but thankfully there are anti-aging clinics that can evaluate men for low testosterone and, if needed, help them with a prescription to undergo Testosterone Replacement Therapy.

There are many inaccuracies and old wive’s tales about the side effects and potential dangers of TRT, but medical studies have disproven those and shown that TRT may actually help the medical issues that some people have been led to believe are negative effects of Testosterone Replacement Therapy.

In this article, we will help you understand what TRT can do for men with low testosterone levels, and even include some testimonials from men who have undergone the therapy. If you identify with the symptoms of low testosterone listed below and are intrigued by the benefits that we cover, contact our team at Prolong Labs to help get you set up for an evaluation of your testosterone levels.

Symptoms of low testosterone 

One of the potential reasons that such a low percentage of men suffering from the symptoms of low testosterone seek treatment is likely the misconception that these symptoms are simply a result of normal aging. While a typical male can expect his testosterone levels to decline an average of 1% per year beyond the age of 30, studies have been finding that many men across our society have levels that are decreasing far faster than they should or are decreasing at earlier ages than they should.

Without going into the reasons for why this is happening (that’s for another article, which you can find here on our website), the classic symptoms of low testosterone in men are as follows:

  • Low sex drive 
  • Fatigue
  • Reduced lean muscle mass
  • Irritability
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Depression, a loss of confidence or sense of self-worth
  • Increased weight and fat gain
  • Memory loss

Any man suffering from these symptoms, whether mild or severe, runs the risk of them having major negative effects on their daily lives. Fatigue, memory loss, irritability, and a loss of confidence can greatly affect a man’s work and family life. Imagine having children and being too tired after you get home from work to play or study with your kids.

The same can be said about a man’s career, as the loss of motivation, sense of self-worth and dedication can all lead to missed promotions, lagging at work, missing deadlines, and a general slowing down. The loss of libido can greatly affect relationships and is often the driving reason behind men seeking Testosterone Replacement Therapy.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy Benefits

While different men have different experiences and results from taking Testosterone Replacement Therapy, tens of millions of men who have undergone TRT have found that they forgot what it was like to have so much energy and a return of their strength, muscle mass, memory, libido and general lust for life.

There is no such thing as a panacea or fountain of youth, but some may tell you that Testosterone Replacement Therapy comes pretty close to it. Let’s go through some of the many benefits of TRT.

Before and After Typical results of TRT

Before Testosterone Replacement Therapy, a man may feel like he is “missing a step,” moving slower, forgetting more, and missing the dedication, motivation, emotion, and love that he remembers having just a few years ago. When testosterone levels are low it becomes far harder to put on lean muscle mass and much easier to put on fat, especially in the belly area. 

His significant other may be upset, worried, or even wondering if there is another woman because his libido is gone. His kids may feel neglected because dad never has the energy to play or work on their homework with them, and his coworkers or boss may feel like he just doesn’t have the dedication to his job that he had when he began.

Thankfully there is a simple solution to each of these issues, and anti-aging clinics like Prolong Labs can help men with low testosterone levels get the Testosterone Replacement Therapy they need to reset their lives and get them back to the best version of themselves.

Brain fog & forgetfulness gone

One of the first symptoms of low testosterone that may appear in men is brain fog and forgetfulness. Unfortunately, this is also a symptom that is often missed or not associated with low testosterone levels, as men may not even know that it is a symptom. 

They can feel their minds slowing down and recognize that they are forgetting simple tasks, names, dates, or assignments but attribute them to merely a sign of aging. An appropriate regimen of Testosterone Replacement Therapy prescribed and monitored by an anti-aging clinic like Prolong Labs can have that brain fog lifted and forgetfulness a thing of the past quickly, bringing your mind back to the steel trap and asset that it used to be in your earlier years.

Better well being 

Men have a much harder time complaining or even mentioning the potential of depression, mental or psychological issues than women. Part of it was our upbringing, as many of us were raised by fathers and sports coaches who engrained the philosophy into us to just “walk it off” whenever we have an issue that is affecting or bothering us. Low testosterone levels can lead to a cascade of negative effects that can cause a man to become depressed or lose his sense of self-worth.

It may be that he feels himself losing the motivation to exercise, which then exacerbates the low testosterone levels because studies have shown that exercise and testosterone levels are directly correlated. It could be that he sees the extra weight being added on but feels that he doesn’t have the time or energy to hit the gym or run anymore. 

Perhaps his wife is upset that his libido is starting to fade. As one of life’s cruelest jokes on men of the human species, a woman’s sexual appetite is at its highest at the very part of our lives where ours is declining. This can cause friction in an intimate relationship, which can further lead a man’s mental health to go into some dark and foreboding places. 

Thankfully Testosterone Replacement Therapy has been shown to not only increase a man’s sense of self-worth, confidence, and overall mental health, but it also repairs the other symptoms of low testosterone that may be leading to the physical issues which are potentially making him lose confidence in himself.

Higher lean muscle mass

Low testosterone levels make it extremely difficult to add lean muscle mass for men. The same diet and same amount of time spent in the gym or exercising begin to have less and less effect on their bodies, until eventually, a man may give up because he can feel his energy sapping away and feel that working out is pointless.

Multiple medical studies have shown that Testosterone Replacement Therapy can greatly increase a man’s lean muscle mass, especially if he exercises regularly. Even in men who do not exercise regularly, TRT can help men regain their natural body mass and lean muscle that they had in their younger years, which may further add to their confidence, attractiveness to their partner, and motivation to keep up or start their exercise regimen. 

Increased libido

Testosterone is an extremely powerful hormone for the male body, and it has a direct effect on a man’s libido and sexual appetite. As we tend to forget that deep down we are merely mammals with opposable thumbs, many of us don’t understand that many of our romantic emotions are based more on pheromones and scents than we realize at a conscious level. 

But they are there, and while Testosterone Replacement Therapy may not change any noticeable scent in your body, the higher levels of testosterone will increase your pheromones which will make your attractiveness to your partner and the opposite sex increase on a subconscious level. She may not register why, but her urges and body will recognize that something has changed – and that she likes that change.

Weight loss

The double-whammy of low testosterone is that it makes it far more difficult to increase your lean muscle mass while making it far easier to add fat to your body, especially your midsection. As lean muscle mass is partly responsible for your metabolism and how fast your body burns calories and sheds excess fat, this creates a downward spiral where the same foods and diet that you’ve eaten for your entire life begin to make you overweight or your favorite pair of jeans cease to fit.

While results may vary, especially in men who have an underlying medical condition before starting Testosterone Replacement Therapy, TRT will generally lead to a pretty large increase in metabolism as well as a lean muscle mass that further assists your body in burning off excess fat and calories. Men who maintain an active exercise routine while undergoing TRT often see great increases in their physical endurance and strength, giving them more confidence to hit the gym and further driving their weight loss.

Improvements of underlying medical conditions

Primary care physicians are often hesitant to prescribe Testosterone Replacement Therapy for several reasons. Firstly, they often don’t understand the scale at which low testosterone has become an issue in our society. Secondly, they don’t have a great understanding of just how profoundly negative the effects of low testosterone can be on a man’s life. 

And finally, while doctors try their hardest to stay up to date on the latest medical research, they often only have time to keep up with the research that directly affects their patients or practice. There are older studies that listed potential side effects of TRT that had not been measured during actual medical studies but had been presumed to be potential side effects merely because the authors of the study thought that they may.

Recent studies, however, have shown that Testosterone Replacement Therapy may actually help many of the negative health outcomes that were once thought to be caused by TRT. Unless your primary care physician is up to date with the studies that we will discuss below, they likely still believe the misconceptions that these issues are caused by the therapy. 

This is just one more reason why an anti-aging clinic like Prolong Labs is generally preferred for your evaluation for and treatment of low testosterone. The teams at anti-aging clinics have dedicated their lives and practices to assisting men with low testosterone, so they are up to date on the latest studies, treatments, and actual potential side effects of the therapy.

Prostate cancer & elevated Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA)

Testosterone Replacement Therapy does often cause the size of a man’s prostate to increase slightly. Because of this, urologists and medical study observers assumed that the increased prostate size and PSA levels must lead to eventual prostate cancer.

Recent studies have shown that the reality is far from that assumption. While older men who undergo TRT are more likely to have a biopsy to check for prostate cancer that is ordered by their doctor, the data shows that men who undergo Testosterone Replacement Therapy do not have any higher incidence of actually developing prostate cancer than men who do not undergo TRT.

Additionally, recent studies have shown that the men undergoing Testosterone Replacement Therapy who do develop prostate cancer tend to have far greater outcomes than those who had not undergone the therapy. There is not a clear understanding as to why men who have undergone TRT fare better in fighting prostate cancer than those who have not, but the data is pretty clear that it may lead to better outcomes.

Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS)

Similar to the belief that TRT would lead to increased prostate cancer, it was once believed that Testosterone Replacement Therapy would also cause an increase in Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS) in men who undergo the therapy.

As with prostate cancer, recent studies have shown those beliefs to be wrong. A 2014 study showed that men who have undergone TRT actually have increased bladder walls, a decrease in their International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS), and improvements in their postvoidal residual volumes as well as an increase in their prostate volume. This study provided more of the mounting evidence that TRT may in fact improve LUTS, rather than worsen or cause it as many have believed. 

Cardiovascular Disease (CVD)

Many men who have looked into the pros and cons of Testosterone Replacement Therapy have likely heard the old wives’ tales about bodybuilders that took anabolic steroids and had to have heart replacement surgery or developed other forms of Cardiovascular Disease (CVD).

While this may be the case in those populations, it should be understood that TRT and anabolic steroids taken for performance enhancement are two very different things. Firstly, men taking anabolic steroids for performance enhancement typically take “stacks,” combinations of powerful hormones to create their desired bodies or performance levels.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy, on the other hand, is nothing more than testosterone. On top of simply increasing the levels of a hormone that your body naturally produces, TRT is only prescribed after your anti-aging clinic has performed an evaluation and blood work to determine your natural testosterone levels and how much testosterone you should be taking. An anti-aging clinic like Prolong Labs will also monitor the progress of your treatment, using your baseline levels to ensure that you are progressing as planned and that no underlying health detriments are emerging.

To associate the CVD that occurs in men who take steroids with TRT is like comparing apples to oranges, as the two are completely different in everything from what is taken to how much is taken and how often. While some studies have shown that Testosterone Replacement Therapy may increase the risk of developing CVD in men with underlying comorbidities like diabetes or high cholesterol levels, there has been no direct linkage between healthy men taking TRT and developing CVD. 

Testimonials of TRT recipients

Our team at Prolong Labs has dedicated our lives and professions to helping men with low testosterone levels get the treatment that they need to bring those levels back up, but you’d probably still rather hear it straight from the horse’s mouth than ours. Below we will include some testimonials from men who have undergone Testosterone Replacement Therapy so that you can understand just how profound and positive the changes in their lives have been from it.

“I had gone from an all-star athlete and Special Operations soldier who had performed at the highest levels for my entire life to a guy who didn’t have the energy to hit the gym even once a week and was constantly having to buy larger and larger pairs of jeans as my waistline exploded. No matter how much I exercised, I just couldn’t keep the weight from coming onto my body and even felt my mind slowing down. After a year of TRT I was dusting off my favorite jeans from college and my mind was the sharpest that it had ever been.”

Robert, California

“I went from testosterone levels in the 170s up to 600’s with Androgel using 25mg per day. My libido increased immediately, I lost weight, gained muscle, my brain fog was gone, had more confidence, etc. I felt like I was basically back in my twenties again.”

-Sean, Texas

“I’m in my early 50s and my levels were near 200 before TRT. Follow-up tests put me in the 600-750 range and my doc says I’m good and at the right levels now. A year later and I’d say that my body is still adjusting, but all is good. Libido came back a few months in, ED gone and I feel like I’m 30 again.”

-Brian, Tenessee

“I was diagnosed with Low T a few years ago. Once I started Testosterone Replacement Therapy I began losing weight, gaining muscle, and a lot of the issues that I was having disappeared. My inner drive has increased, my mental state is a lot better and I’m sleeping much more soundly at night. Testosterone does so much for the body, not just the obvious. You will truly feel much better once you start therapy.”

-Ben, New york


The science is still out on exactly why testosterone levels are dropping across the western world, and why men are beginning to experience the effects of low testosterone levels at ages far earlier than they should. Whatever the reason, the symptoms of low testosterone can wreak havoc on a man’s life, but thanks to the emergence of anti-aging clinics and a better understanding of the benefits that Testosterone Replacement Therapy brings men, don’t have to put up with low testosterone levels running their lives anymore.

The team of professionals at Prolong Labs has dedicated their lives and practice to helping men increase their testosterone levels and get rid of the symptoms of low testosterone that may be negatively affecting their lives. Prolong Labs can help set you up for an evaluation and potential treatment plan at no extra cost to you. If you identify with any of the symptoms of low testosterone listed above and are intrigued by the benefits that Testosterone Replacement Therapy can provide, contact our team today so we can set you up for an evaluation. We can get you on track to reclaim your life and your testosterone levels!


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