Is 1 mL of Testosterone a Week Enough?


Although Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) has been available for several decades, it has recently seen a surge in demand as men are beginning to check and find that their testosterone levels are below where they need them to be. This is often because the symptoms of low testosterone are mistaken as a part of the normal process of aging, but more men are beginning to realize that they can reverse these processes that cause their bodies to slow and break down. 

Some men don’t know what Testosterone Replacement Therapy is, how to go about getting evaluated for or acquiring it, or don’t want to admit to a doctor that they think they may need it. Other men mistakenly think that TRT is the same thing as anabolic steroids, not understanding that Testosterone Replacement Therapy prescribed, provided, and monitored by an anti-aging clinic like Prolong Labs is very different. 

In this article, we will help inform any men who may be considering Testosterone Replacement Therapy about what it consists of, the amount that you should be taking, and the results that you can expect. If you are considering TRT because you identify with the symptoms of low testosterone, contact our team of medical professionals at Prolong Labs and we can connect you with an anti-aging clinic at no extra cost to you and get you started on the path to reclaiming your vitality!


Testosterone Replacement Therapy is prescribed based on your levels of naturally produced testosterone, as determined in your initial evaluation with an anti-aging clinic. While the dosages and frequency may vary from person to person, 1 mL per week is pretty standard. While that 1 mL may not look like much to a new TRT recipient, it has been determined to be the safest and most effective dosage for most men to reverse the symptoms of low testosterone.

However, one thing to keep in mind is how your testosterone is mixed. Typically, you want to go less by ML amount, and more by mg of testosterone. The max you should take per week is 200mg of test, for therapeutic purposes. The lonely time you should take more is if you’re taking steroid dosages.

What is Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

Testosterone Replacement Therapy is one of the more simple therapy regimens out there and is exactly what the name implies: a way to add more testosterone to your body if it is producing lower levels that are needed. TRT differs from anabolic steroids or “stacks” in that it is only given after medical consultation and evaluation by an anti-aging clinic like Prolong Labs.

While anabolic steroids are typically taken in “stacks,” multiple different substances combined to have a desired physical effect, TRT is only testosterone and is administered in levels that have been determined by your medical team based on your body’s own levels of naturally-produced testosterone. 

How much testosterone is in a 1mL injection?

The testosterone taken for TRT is typically testosterone cypionate. This type of testosterone comes in a liquid form and will have a concentration of either 100 mg/mL or 200 mg/mL. This means that if you are taking 1 mL per shot of 100 mg/mL solution, you are administering 100 mg of testosterone per dose.

Likewise, if you are using a 200 mg/mL solution, you are taking 200 mg of testosterone for every 1 mL injection. The dosages and frequency will depend on your own baseline testosterone levels found during an evaluation and blood labs done with an anti-aging clinic. The typical dosages for TRT are 50-400 mg and can be taken weekly, bi-monthly or monthly.   

What kind of testosterone levels can I expect from a 1mL injection?

Everybody is different, and so different people will have different baselines that determine how much and how often they will take Testosterone Replacement Therapy, and many of the resulting levels of testosterone in their body will be different. If you want an example of the differences based on age, baseline levels, exercise, diet, sleep, and other factors, this Reddit page is dedicated to people taking or curious about Testosterone where they often post their results from TRT. 

The general, physical, mental, and sexual effects of TRT may be slightly different by person but are easier to know in advance than exact levels. Low testosterone levels in males make it more difficult to put on lean muscle mass, far easier to put on extra fat, lead to a loss of libido or sexual appetite, reduction of energy levels, and can even cause a man to become depressed or lose his sense of self-worth.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy has reversed these symptoms in tens of millions of men, and so while your personal testosterone levels may vary, the results more often than not result in men with greater lean muscle mass, higher metabolism which leads to weight loss, regained energy to the point of “feeling like a kid again,” a return of their libido, enhanced memory and brain function and a greater sense of confidence and self-worth. 

What is the maximum amount of testosterone typically taken?

While the exact dosages and frequency will differ based on your initial evaluation with an anti-aging clinic like Prolong Labs, the maximum recommended dosage for Testosterone Replacement Therapy is 400 mg taken once a week.

Can I acquire, administer and monitor Testosterone Replacement Therapy on my own?

This is a terrible idea but unfortunately a decision that some men make. Firstly, while there are shady online pharmacies and websites that will happily send you testosterone with no prescription, evaluation, or follow-up monitoring, there is no way to know what they are actually sending you. A recent report by the World Health Organization (WHO) stated that as many as one in ten pharmaceutical products from the third world are either completely fraudulent or sub-standard. 

Do you really want to roll the dice and take the chance of putting a sub-standard or fraudulent product directly into your body?

On top of the potential risks from acquiring testosterone on the black market, the evaluation and initial consultation with an anti-aging clinic like Prolong Labs is perhaps the most important part of the entire process. This is where your evaluation and blood labs will allow the medical professionals to determine what your natural baseline levels are, and what amount of testosterone you need to take to correct your low testosterone levels. Without this step, even if you do get actual testosterone you are basically throwing darts at a dartboard in terms of how much you should be taking.

Additionally, while Testosterone Replacement Therapy is generally safe, there are potential side effects, especially in men who begin treatment with comorbidities or underlying health issues. Anti-aging clinics like Prolong Labs have dedicated their lives and professions to helping men reverse the symptoms of low testosterone, so they are highly attuned to seeing the signs of any emerging side effects or unwanted results from taking TRT. If you choose to go it on your own, you will not have anyone monitoring your levels as your treatment progresses, and run the risk of missing a developing health issue because you don’t know what to look for or have the equipment to look for it.


Low testosterone levels can cause a lot of trouble and heartache in a man’s life, but unfortunately, most men do not know very much about Testosterone Replacement Therapy, what it consists of, how it works, or just how much of a positive difference it can make in your life.

While it may not seem like much when you look at it, 1 mL of testosterone can make an enormous change in your life. This is because testosterone is a very powerful hormone that helps regulate nearly every aspect of a man’s life that we deem to be a “manly” characteristic. 

As mentioned above, your personal dosages and frequency for your Testosterone Replacement Therapy will be prescribed by your anti-aging clinic, and those are based on your evaluation and natural testosterone levels. Taking too much testosterone can have harmful effects on the body, and can even cause your body to stop producing any testosterone naturally if not monitored or taken in the appropriate dosages.

This is just one of the many reasons why you should contact Prolong Labs if you feel that low testosterone levels may be an issue that is affecting your life. Our team can help find you the Testosterone Replacement Therapy that you need at no extra cost to you, so there is no reason to hesitate. Call our team now to set up an appointment and get you on the path to reclaiming your life and your testosterone levels!


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