
Since the first civilizations, humans have pursued immortality and tried to slow down the aging process. This is hardly surprising because aging, apart from changing our appearance, is also negatively impacting our physical and cognitive health. 

Some attempts at delaying the aging process failed spectacularly, while others have shown some results. Helped by good genetics, a balanced diet, and physical activity, as well as access to good healthcare, many aging individuals enjoy a high quality of life.

For example, an average healthy 50-year-old person looks much more youthful than most 50-year-olds who lived in the Middle Ages. This comparison may sound silly, but it truly shows the difference in aging between modern times and historical periods. The more we go back in time, the bigger the difference will be.

One of the most recent medical discoveries is the role of NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) coenzyme in our aging process. Or – to put it more precisely, its role in the fight against the aging process. 

NAD IV therapy has revolutionized anti-aging procedures and efforts. It has the potential to become a real-life fountain of youth. But what is this therapy, and how does it work? Finally, is it really worth the hype? 


For a start, let’s quickly explain what NAD is. In short, this coenzyme enables several important metabolic and biological processes in our bodies. First of all, NAD plays a vital role in cell respiration and the transfer of energy. As such, NAD ensures that cells can take the energy from the food and transform it into usable energy. 


NAD also continuously repairs the DNA inside our cells. Various DNA errors and damages occur much faster than most people are aware. NAD is there to patch these errors and damages, preventing various mutations and other severe conditions.

This coenzyme also helps mitochondrial function, calcium signaling, gene expression, and many other processes inside our bodies. But what does this have to do with slowing down the aging process?

Well, as we age, our bodies start to produce less and less NAD with each new year. As a result, our NAD levels become depleted. When this happens, there isn’t enough NAD in our bodies to enable cell respiration, repair DNA, ensure chromosomal integrity, and so on. 

The existing NAD molecules will still do their job as intended, but there is only so much that one NAD molecule can do. So, some processes in our body become unchecked, and our cells start to deteriorate.

To help you better understand, here is the analogy for NAD and the dangers of depleted NAD levels. Imagine a large company with 1000 workers. Each worker has a specific role, and as long as everyone is doing their work, the company will run smoothly.

However, if 100 workers quit, the remaining 900 will only be able to do their work. 100 important operations became neglected, and the company started to feel some issues. Then, another 100 workers retired. The remaining 800 are able to do even less work. Things aren’t looking that great for the company.


Now you see why your goal should be to keep your NAD levels high enough. This way, you will prevent various conditions and signs of aging, such as:

  • Low energy levels and fatigue
  • Brain fog, memory issues, and the lack of ability to focus
  • Neurodegenerative conditions, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s
  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Fibromyalgia 
  • Mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety

NAD therapy is simply the process of replenishing missing NAD and bringing its levels to their optimum. There are several types of NAD therapy: IV, oral, and nasal. NAD IV therapy is the most effective one, and it involves intravenous administration of NAD so that it gets absorbed as fast as possible. 


NAD IV therapy comes with multiple benefits. The most alluring benefit of NAD IV therapy is certainly its anti-aging effects. Apart from protecting and repairing cells and genetic material (DNA and chromosomes), NDA also serves as a powerful antioxidant. 


As we age, the amount of free radicals in our bodies increases. As you probably already know, free radicals increase cancer risk significantly. They do it by causing oxidative damage to your body cells, and NAD is able to neutralize these harmful effects and even reverse them.

As a result, NAD slows down the aging process and the deterioration of your cells, including the brain cells. It could help you enjoy the peak of your physical and mental abilities for much longer. 

Speaking of brain cells, as we age, they also deteriorate, and the connections between them start to weaken. This is a natural process for everyone who is aging, but some people experience much more deterioration than others. 

Such people are at high risk of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, or Huntington’s disease. NAD therapy can slow down the onset of such diseases or maybe even prevent them if taken on time.


People who are battling addictions could benefit from NAD IV therapy. Unfortunately, this therapy can’t treat the addiction itself, but it can repair the damage caused by substance abuse and prevent more damage. Some findings suggest that NAD IV could potentially reduce cravings, further helping with addiction recovery. 

NAD IV therapy also has positive effects on metabolism. With age, metabolism slows down, which leads to increased weight despite the fact that eating habits haven’t changed. NAD boosts metabolism, helping maintain a healthy weight.  

Along with the fact that NAD repairs muscle and increases your energy levels, it is perfect for athletes who want to improve their performance in a natural and healthy way. As of now, NAD IV therapy is allowed even for competing athletes.

For everyone who is having trouble focusing on or remembering things, NAD IV therapy could be a solution. Most people who underwent this therapy have reported better concentration, improved memory, and increased mental clarity.

Age isn’t the only thing that depletes NAD. Some other factors, such as stress, alcohol abuse, and lack of sleep, can also lower your NAD levels. So, even if you are young but still not at your best, NAD IV therapy could help you and prevent premature aging. 

Overall, NAD IV therapy has many potential benefits and can help you live your life to the fullest, even in the older age. 


Still, you need to have realistic expectations of what NAD IV therapy can and can’t do. This therapy is truly revolutionary, but it’s not a magical solution for all of your health issues. Even when you look at the potential benefits, pay attention to that “potential” part.

Just like with any other therapy, the results aren’t guaranteed. Yes, there is an extremely high probability that NAD IV therapy will help you, but it’s never a 100% probability. Even with extensive tests, no one can fully guarantee how your body will react to therapy.

This doesn’t mean that NAD IV therapy is a gimmick and scam. It just means that you should have realistic expectations; the lower, the better. After all, NAD IV therapy isn’t the magical elixir of youth, but it will slow down aging processes and correlated damages and diseases in your body. 

Also, keep in mind that NAD therapy is still relatively new. That means that scientists had enough time to research its short-term effects, but they still need some more time, several decades even, to understand its long-term effects. So far, NAD IV therapy has been extremely effective, but will it retain its efficiency after long-term use?

Additionally, there is another important consideration regarding the actual effects of NAD IV therapy. Of all the people who underwent this therapy and reported positive results, how many of them experienced those results due to the placebo effect?

Finally, you need to remember that NAD IV is still in its early stages of development. There is no denying that it’s effective, but there must be some room for further development and improvement. 


First of all, since it involves intravenous therapy administration, you can take NAD IV at your home. You will need to schedule an appointment at a clinic that offers NAD IV therapy. Before you can start your first therapy session, you will need to consult with your doctor or another healthcare provider. 


The healthcare provider will try to assess your medical history, current health conditions, and your goals. They will tell you more about the whole process, as well as the benefits you can expect and even the potential risks. 

Once you get approved for NAD IV therapy, you will need to do some preparations before each therapy. For example, you should eat light meals and make sure to stay hydrated before each therapy session.

When you leave for your appointment, try to wear comfortable clothes and shoes. First of all, comfortable clothes will be much more practical for inserting an IV needle into your vein. Additionally, since the therapy can last anywhere between 2 and 6 hours, comfy clothes will make it much more pleasant. 


During the therapy, you need to stay calm and relaxed. Listen to your favorite music or read a book. You can even watch some Netflix show or do anything else that will entertain you while still not interfering with the therapy.

Throughout the whole procedure, you will be accompanied by medical staff. They will monitor your vital signs as well as your overall reaction to the therapy. This way, they ensure that you stay safe. 

Depending on how you react to IV therapy in general, during NAD IV therapy, you can expect some unpleasant side effects. For example, nausea, light-headedness, chest tightness, stomach discomfort, etc. Even though these symptoms are most likely nothing to worry about, report them to the medical staff.


Once you have finished your therapy session, you will be free to go home. Before you leave, the medical staff will probably want to asses and observe you shortly. They do it to ensure you respond well to the therapy.

After that, you are free to go back to your usual activities. Don’t forget to eat properly and stay hydrated. In case of any discomfort or any other unpleasant symptoms, contact your healthcare provider. 


Yes, NAD IV therapy is completely safe, but it can still have some side effects listed above. Fortunately, these are only minor side effects, mostly caused by fear of needles. No major side effects have been observed in any of the patients.

Of course, to ensure the safety of therapy, choose licensed and reputable clinics with professional and knowledgeable medical staff. Avoid places with bad or no reputation, as well as places that promise too much.

Also, before any therapy, always consult your trusted doctor. This includes NAD IV therapy as well. 


Costs should be the last thing on your mind when deciding whether NAD IV therapy is worth it. However, money is still an important consideration for many people, and you should ensure that you can afford this therapy before starting it.

Typically, the cost of one NAD IV therapy session ranges anywhere between $200 and $1000, and in most cases, insurance doesn’t cover it. It is up to you to decide whether you can pay so much. Alternatively, there are cheaper options, NAD oral and NAD nasal. 


NAD IV therapy has the potential to forever change the way we age by keeping us healthy and strong for much longer. As such, this therapy can increase overall life quality and athletic performance and even delay or prevent some health conditions. 

However, this therapy isn’t magical or omnipotent, and it has certain limitations. So it is safe to say NAD IV therapy is worth the hype, but you still need to have realistic expectations, stay safe, and consider the potential costs. 

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