Low Testosterone Treatment Options, Which One is Best?

20Marlow testosterone treatment

Men in their 40s start to decline in their testosterone levels naturally. As men reach the age of 50, they begin to notice a wide range of symptoms, including decreased sex drive, weight gain, and fatigue. If you are experiencing these or other symptoms, you may need to consult your doctor for further examination.

There are treatment options available for low testosterone levels. They vary depending on the severity of your symptoms and may include medication, hormone therapy, or surgery. Some patients are advised to make lifestyle changes to help improve their testosterone levels. 

In summary, the most popular and typically effective form of testosterone is TRT therapy, through injections. read to learn more about that and other options!

Options for Testosterone Replacement Therapy 

There are various ways to treat low testosterone in men. One of the most common methods is Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT). 

Testosterone replacement therapy aims to aid men suffering from the symptoms of low testosterone levels. Different forms of testosterone replacement therapy include:





Testosterone Injections 

Testosterone Injections are the most common form of Testosterone Replacement Therapy. The injections provide a steady supply of testosterone into the bloodstream after administering it every 7 to 14 days. Hormones increase days after receiving the shot and slowly decrease days after it is given. As a result, fluctuation of testosterone levels impacts mood and energy in men.

Testosterone injections are placed at specific areas of the body, including the buttocks, hips, or thighs. The purpose of this is to ensure the immediate absorption of hormones into the bloodstream. 

Types of Testosterone Injections 

Here are a few types of TRT injections.

Testosterone Cypionate

Testosterone is a hormone that plays a significant role in masculine characteristics and reproduction. It is administered through intramuscular injection. This type of injection therapy helps men with low testosterone levels or treats those with hypogonadism.

Dosage: Testosterone Cypionate dosage is based on age and diagnosis. For chronic cases, 50-400 mg of the injectable solution is administered every 2-4 weeks for 18 years and older.  

Testosterone Enanthate 

This type of testosterone injection also helps normalize the deficiency of testosterone. The only difference is that Enanthate has a faster release yet provides a short-term effect compared to Cypionate. It also contains fewer hormones than Enanthate. Healthcare professionals also administer this injectable solution for women with breast cancer. 

Dosage: For adult males, 50 to 400 mg is administered through intramuscular injections every 2 to 4 weeks.

Testosterone Undecanoate

Testosterone Undecanoate is a long-acting ester of testosterone. However, unlike other forms of injection, Testosterone Undecanoate is designed to release the hormone into the body more slowly. This allows for administering a lower dosage with less frequent injections than is seen with other forms of testosterone replacement.

Dosage: 750-1000 mg is administered in a 10-week dosing interval for male adults.

Benefits of Testosterone Injection 

Injectable testosterone is a hormone used by men to boost low testosterone levels. Generally, it can serve as a treatment for delayed puberty, erectile dysfunction, and infertility in men. Benefits of testosterone injections include:

  • Increased libido
  • More energy and stamina
  • A more positive outlook in life
  • Improved memory and concentration
  • Increase a person’s bone density, muscle tone, and strength
  • An increase in a person’s lean muscle mass

Injectable testosterone is usually prescribed as a replacement for Low-T, but it can also be used as part of an HRT regimen for men transitioning to women. 

The benefits of testosterone injections depend on how they can improve a patient’s quality of life. Patients who receive regular testosterone therapy notice an improved sense of well-being and increased energy levels throughout the day. Amazingly, one hormone dose can have such far-reaching effects for both men and women alike.

Testosterone Gel and Cream

Testosterone gel has been made available since the early 2000s as an FDA-approved medication to treat male hypogonadism (low testosterone) or lack of natural testosterone production. This gel is available in packets or tubes, like deodorant sticks used by men who need regular testosterone shots (injections) but prefer low-maintenance treatment options.

The effectiveness of the medication has been demonstrated with both one-time administration and via continuous use over several months. In all cases, the gel is applied to the upper arms and chest area, where it slowly absorbs into the skin. In some rare cases, absorption can lead to changes in sexual desire or other side effects.

The use of testosterone gel has been approved for multiple medical conditions, including:

  • Primary hypogonadism, also known as low testosterone levels
  • Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, caused by an insufficiency in the hypothalamus or pituitary gland

Testosterone Pellets

Testosterone pellets implants typically contain 75mg of testosterone, and like the injectable solution testosterone therapy, this is given as an intramuscular injection. 

The pellets are made from a combination of crystalline form, which is then compressed into 1mm sized discs; these implants sit just under the skin and dissolve over the next 3-4 months (usually into the bloodstream). These implants are typically placed on the buttocks but can also be injected into other areas.

Testosterone pellet implants are typically more of a longer-term testosterone therapy solution which means your treatment is generally better suited for men who don’t require it as frequently. Additionally, because the pellets dissolve into the bloodstream over time, they allow for an easier transition if you decide to stop testosterone therapy later on.

How Long Does It Take To See Results After Starting Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

Many individuals will start to feel a difference after two to three months of beginning treatment with Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT). While some people report noticing immediate effects, others may take up to six months to feel the full effects of testosterone. 

It is also important to note that some individuals can lose fat and build muscle while on treatment even though they do not notice any changes in their mood or libido. Thus, it is important not to give up on TRT if you are unable.

Boost Your Testosterone With Supplements 

Did you know that you can boost your testosterone level with the right supplements? Lifestyle changes can also help boost your testosterone levels through dietary and supplemental intake.

The good news is several supplements can help increase your testosterone levels with the right supplement. 

Check out the following list of supplements to keep you on track with your daily intake.

1. Zinc

An increase in zinc intake helps with testosterone production. Without enough zinc, you could end up feeling sluggish and tired during the day. You might not be able to function properly, which could end up affecting your daily life.

To prevent a decrease in testosterone production, make sure that you are getting enough zinc. You can eat foods high in zinc, such as beef, pork, and chicken. You can take a supplement with 15mg of Zinc Monomethionine.

2. Magnesium

Magnesium is another supplement that can help you boost your testosterone.

It helps our bodies produce energy, and it also reduces stress on the body, which could lead to a decrease in testosterone production. To avoid a decrease in testosterone production, make sure that you are getting enough magnesium by eating foods high in it, such as spinach, cashews, and almonds.

If you do not like eating these foods, try taking a supplement with 400mg of magnesium (magnesium citrate and magnesium malate) once or twice daily.

3. Vitamin D

Studies show that taking Vitamin D is another one of the supplements that can help boost testosterone production in your body and indicates a significant level of increase in the hormone. 

4. D-aspartic acid

Supplements like D-aspartic acid (DAA) are being used to help balance testosterone levels.

D-Aspartic acid is an amino acid found in neuroendocrine tissue and the brain. It has been studied as a potential testosterone booster for men with low testosterone/hypogonadism (Low-T). Research suggests that this supplement works by increasing the amount of testosterone made by your own body.

5. Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)

DHEA, also known as androstenolone, is a hormone responsible for increasing testosterone levels in men. It is naturally produced in the adrenal glands, gonads, and brain. There are DHEA supplements available that can be taken to boost your testosterone count.

Natural Ways To Keep Testosterone Levels In Check

Have you heard that living a healthy lifestyle can make your testosterone levels skyrocket? 

Fortunately, there are some natural ways for men to keep their testosterone hormones in check. Diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes can help control the amount of testosterone their bodies produce.

By making a few simple adjustments to daily routines, you prevent testosterone from becoming an issue down the road.

Exercise Regularly

When levels of testosterone drop in aging or sedentary men, they may feel tired and get easily fatigued. Lowered testosterone is also associated with lower muscle mass, weight gain, and difficulty concentrating. 

Fortunately, regular exercise offers many ways to increase testosterone levels naturally while losing excess weight.

  • Regular physical activity boosts resting metabolic rate, allowing one to burn more calories throughout the day.
  • Burning extra calories improves body composition by building muscle while simultaneously reducing fat stores.
  • More muscle mass helps maintain healthy testosterone levels by itself, producing more testosterone.
  • Lifting weights stimulates testosterone production and releases a hormone known as luteinizing hormone, which primes the prostate gland to produce more testosterone.
  • Not only does exercise boost blood flow, but it decreases internal inflammation by combating stress.

Exercising helps the body release endorphins, which cause feelings of well-being. The release of this chemical promotes feelings of wellness and happiness, both mental and physical health benefits that contribute to the management of testosterone levels.

Get Enough Sleep 

Sleep is the body’s time to recuperate from physical and mental stress. However, it is not just napping for a few hours that matters. It refers to the quality of sleep as well. Make sure to get plenty of rest each night for at least eight hours.  

Sleep can affect testosterone in two ways: more sleep means higher natural testosterone levels and better quality hormone production. 

Eat a Healthy Diet

Maintain a well-balanced diet. Eating various types of food is essential for maintaining an optimal level of nutrition, which means the proper intake of the right nutrients. 

Ensure that the diet includes foods rich in selenium, zinc, magnesium, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, and omega-3 fatty acids. Some examples are cod liver oil, watermelon seeds, almonds, sunflower seeds, and spinach.

  • Go organic – Eating organic or herbal foods ensures that a man gets the proper nutrition to keep his testosterone levels optimum. Also, organic foods are hormone-free and free of pesticides, increasing testosterone production.
  • Vegetables – Vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower contain phytochemicals called indoles. Indoles help regulate estrogen in the body by reducing the production of estrogens or blocking their effects. A diet high in indoles can ensure that a man’s testosterone levels remain stable and low.

Manage Your Stress

Men who have increased stress levels often have low testosterone levels. This is because the body’s “fight or flight” reflex is activated when a person feels stressed out. The adrenal gland secretes hormones called cortisol, which help regulate blood sugar and suppress functions that are not needed in a fight-or-flight situation. These include the sex organs, digestive system, and immune system.

Lower your stress levels whenever possible because it reduces testosterone count. If you are stressed, try yoga, deep breathing, meditation, taking a relaxing bath, unwinding, or exercising. 

Weight loss 

If your doctor determines that your low testosterone is caused by other medical conditions such as obesity, he may refer you to a weight loss program to address the problem. Losing weight will not only help to boost your testosterone levels, but it can also help with other health conditions such as diabetes and heart disease.

Since testosterone plays a vital role in male health, it is essential to keep an optimal level of this hormone for men of all ages. Levels decrease with age, but proper diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes are beneficial in maintaining normal testosterone levels.

A healthy body means a healthy mind. Being happy will contribute to the management of hormone levels within the body. 

Is Testosterone Replacement Therapy The Right Treatment For You?

Testosterone replacement therapy in men is becoming an increasingly popular form of treatment for age-related testosterone deficiency. It can often help you live a healthier, more satisfying life when used correctly and monitored by your doctor. However, there are some things you should know before starting this type of therapy.

To understand if TRT is the right treatment for you, it’s important to know some of the common signs and symptoms of low testosterone. If you or your partner are experiencing this condition, seek immediate medical attention.

Typically, symptoms of low testosterone are similar to signs of aging, so they are often misdiagnosed as a natural part of the aging process. The medical term for low testosterone is “hypogonadism.”

Symptoms of Low Testosterone

If you have symptoms of low testosterone, they may include: 

  • Fatigue or decreased energy levels
  • Decreased libido and erectile function
  • Depression or mood swings 
  • Decrease in muscle size and strength 
  • Increase in body fat 
  • Memory loss or decline in cognitive function, such as the ability to concentrate and make decisions

However, there are some things you should know about testosterone replacement therapy before starting this type of treatment. 

  1. Testosterone is not the same as DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone). DHEA is a natural hormone that’s produced by the adrenal glands. However, there are DHEA supplements that are known to help in increasing testosterone levels in men. 
  2. Testosterone replacement therapy is not for everyone. It is highly recommended to men with documented low levels of testosterone – an abnormal amount of this hormone can increase your risk of heart disease and diabetes.
  3. Never self-administer testosterone without the supervision of a doctor, especially when you have comorbidities and chronic illnesses.
  4. Keep in mind this is a long-term treatment and depends on the condition of the patient. It can take months, sometimes years, for it to work effectively.
  5. It’s also helpful to know what factors, like age and genetics, play a role in how your body produces testosterone.

How to Get Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Testosterone replacement therapy does not just help people low on testosterone get back to normal. It also allows men over the age of 50 to move around better, have an easier time keeping weight off, and enjoy life with vigor than before.

Talk to an Anti-aging Clinic 

Anyone who has ever felt the effects of low testosterone in their life can tell you that it feels like an added responsibility or weight that they just cannot set aside. Testosterone gives men strength, drive, confidence, and assertiveness, characteristics that are vital in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. 

So when the body begins to lose the natural testosterone it produces, men are looking for ways to replace the testosterone levels they once had.

Some are hesitant to seek treatment for fear of side effects or other negative long-term health issues, but those who have experienced a decline in testosterone always seek anti-aging clinics where they can receive Testosterone Replacement Therapy. 

This therapy is proven to be safe and effective in restoring testosterone levels to a normal range and alleviating the adverse effects that come along with Low-T based on your current diagnosis and health condition.

Patients who have been putting up with the adverse effects of low testosterone for years are finally able to feel alive again. 


Low testosterone can lead to severe health conditions affecting your quality of life. That is why you must address the issue head-on before they get any worse! 

You just found the right clinic for Testosterone Replacement Therapy

If you’re looking for an anti-aging clinic that can offer a wide range of treatments for low testosterone, we have the perfect solution at Prolong Labs. We’re not just your average hormone replacement therapy clinic either; we instead help you find the right clinic to work with.

Whether it’s with prescription medications or over-the-counter supplements, we can help boost your testosterone levels in no time.

You may book a consultation here!


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