
Modern medicine has advanced with the speed of light during the past few years. New therapies, which looked like magic only a few decades ago, are now widely available to the general population.  For example, NAD IV therapy. But is NAD IV therapy safe?

This therapy is relatively new, and it has yet to show its full and long-term effects on our bodies. However, we already know enough about this therapy to help you decide whether it is worth the “risk.” 


NAD is short for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide. Our bodies need this coenzyme for various metabolic and biological processes. It gives us energy, repairs our cells and DNA, and protects us against various diseases.

Our bodies produce NAD naturally, but as we get older, the NAD production slows down. As a result, our cells start to age, some damages and mutations in our body don’t get repaired, and we become susceptible to health conditions such as dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, etc.

Once the scientists figured out how important NAD was, they also realized that restoring its optimal levels could revolutionize the way we age. NAD therapy is a process of administering NAD to people with depleted NAD levels. As a result, those people experience more energy, improved cognitive skills, faster recovery from injuries, and many other benefits.  

There are several types of NAD therapy, the most popular and efficient one being NAD IV. People who undergo this therapy usually receive it every several days or weeks by going to specialized clinics that offer this kind of therapy. 

Apart from NAD IV, you can also take NAD in the form of oral or nasal supplements. Even though less efficient, these supplements can be bought as an over-the-counter medicine in most pharmacies. They are also cheaper and easier to take than NAD IV. In most cases, NAD therapy will show its effects almost immediately. But what about side effects?


Even though NAD IV therapy is completely safe and less invasive than most other similar therapies, it can still come with some side effects. For example, some patients have complained of nausea, vomiting, headache, diarrhea, fatigue, cramping, and abdominal pain.

However, it remains unclear whether NAD directly causes these effects or whether they occur among patients who don’t take IV therapies well. Many people are scared of needles so much that they can experience the abovementioned symptoms even when given some saline solution instead of therapy.

Still, it is worth noting that NAD therapy is still relatively new. This means that the researchers had enough time to study the short-term effects of this therapy, but they still need 10-20 years to study its long-term effects as well. 

Of course, this doesn’t mean that there will be some shocking revelation about NAD in the distant future. So far, there are no indicators that NAD IV therapy is unsafe and that it will have serious negative effects on the patients. 


Even though NAD IV therapy itself is completely safe, you should still take some safety precautions before undergoing it. First of all, you should only take NAD IV therapy from reputable clinics with professional and knowledgeable medical staff.

Don’t try to administer this therapy yourself at your home. Don’t buy it from shady people who don’t have the license to sell and distribute this type of therapy, even if they sell it at a discounted price.

Additionally, don’t start any therapy before consulting your doctor. They know all about your medical history and current health problems (if you have any), so they can tell you whether NAD IV therapy is right for you. 

For example, some people are allergic to NAD therapy and its ingredients. Before you start the therapy, you should check with your doctor if you are allergic to NAD as well. This will protect you from serious allergic reactions in case you are. 

Once you have gotten your doctor’s approval and found a perfect clinic for your therapy sessions, don’t be afraid to ask questions. Ask about therapy sessions, their schedule, how to prepare, etc.

In general, you don’t need to undergo some extreme preparations before NAD IV therapy. However, you should be well-hydrated and eat light meals before and after this therapy. In case you feel any side effects during and after the therapy, don’t hesitate to reach out to your doctor or the medical staff that administered the said therapy to you.

If you have gotten any instructions for post-therapy, make sure to follow them. These instructions usually include recommendations for rest, proper diet, avoiding certain activities, and overall, monitoring your body and its response to therapy. 


First of all, don’t ignore any of the tips from the previous section. Don’t forget to consult your doctor before scheduling the therapy, avoid suspicious clinics, and make sure to stay hydrated before and after the therapy. And, of course, follow any post-therapy tips you get.  

The biggest mistake people make, in general, is having too high expectations. Sure, NAD IV therapy is so good that it almost looks miraculous. However, miracles don’t exist, and even NAD IV therapy has certain limitations. If someone (a clinic or a doctor) promises you some unrealistic effects of NAD IV, you should look for another place to get this therapy.

Educate yourself on all potential risks and side effects of NAD IV therapy. This way, you will know how you should feel during this therapy and what kind of symptoms can be alarming. If you feel any side effects, don’t keep them to yourself and wait for them to go away. Report them to your doctor as soon as possible.

Don’t even think of self-administering NAD IV therapy. If you prefer self-administered therapies, choose NAD oral or nasal supplements. Also, don’t take this therapy more often than recommended. If you try to do that, it may become harmful instead of helpful. 


Apart from being allergic to NAD therapy and its ingredients, there are other conditions and medications that don’t pair well with NAD IV therapy. For example, if you are already taking oral or nasal NAD supplements, you shouldn’t go to NAD IV therapy as well.

Also, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you should postpone your NAD IV therapy because it will end up in your baby’s body as well. We still don’t know the potential effects and risks to the baby and children’s health when given NAD, and there is no need to test them on your kid. 

If you are taking some medicines that could interact with NAD IV therapy, you shouldn’t undergo NAD IV. Additionally, some findings suggest that people suffering from seizures and other medical conditions should avoid NAD IV therapy. 

This is why you should always consult your doctor before taking NAD IV or any type of new therapy. They will know whether NAD IV is safe for you or not because they know how your body will respond to this therapy. 


If you wonder, “Is NAD IV therapy safe,” the short answer is yes. However, there are certain side effects you can expect when undergoing this therapy. Fortunately, these side effects are relatively mild, and there are no records of more serious side effects.

Still, you need to stay safe when choosing this therapy and try to avoid some common mistakes. Also, watch out for any NAD IV therapy contraindications. Overall, take your time to research clinics that offer NAD IV therapy. Consult your doctor before starting it, and you will be safe.

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