Hormone Replacement Therapy Side Effects, Are There Any?

24Janhormone therapy side effects

The hormones within your body play a critical role in ensuring different tissues and organs are working smoothly. Hormone imbalance is a common occurrence often brought about by a myriad of causes. As you age the body’s production of hormones might slow down but if age is not the cause, then you might need some intervention. Also, both males and females experience hormonal imbalances differently. Here are some of the most common contributors;

  • Stress
  • Trauma
  • Menopause
  • Trauma to the pituitary gland
  • Medications
  • Chemotherapy
  • Tumors
  • Poor lifestyle habits

Equally, there are different side effects you might encounter after hormone replacement therapy treatment. Usually, these might vary depending on the specific therapy you undertake. They are either minor or major side effects and occur at different times. While some patients experience them immediately after the treatment and others days or weeks later.

From hot flashes to weight gain, nausea & vomiting, fatigue, fertility problems, blood clots, diarrhea, breast pain or tenderness, loss of/less interest in sex, and muscle & joint pain, they will vary from one individual to the next. Minor side effects like headaches, breast pain, and nausea are very common in women and are often regarded as ‘annoying’ and not as detrimental. 

While being diagnosed with hormone imbalances is bad news for anyone, it shouldn’t be devastating since there are several treatments that can be used to correct the issue. That’s where Hormone Replacement Therapy(HRT) comes in. Let’s dive deeper into the details about what it is, the benefits, risks, et al.

What is HRT?

Hormone Replacement Therapy is a wide area of medicine that aims at rectifying and reintroducing missing hormones into the body. This is achieved by treating the underlying cause of the hormonal imbalance. It is very important to note that there are different types of this treatment with different doses and formulations. Growth hormone administration in the body reduces the risk of:

  • Heart disease
  • Dementia
  • Osteoporosis
  • Diabetes
  • Hair loss
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Loss of muscles

Different Types of HRT and Their Side Effects

As mentioned before HRT has different types that cater to different hormone deficiencies. Below is a list of HRT treatments and what might arise as a byproduct, in terms of benefits and side effects.

Estrogen Therapy

The body naturally produces estrogen, and this occurs in both men and ladies. The main function of this hormone is to ensure the proper functioning of the reproductive system. Apart from maintaining a well-oiled reproductive track it also maintains the health of both the skeletal structure and the skin cells. The levels of estrogen might dwindle as you age but they can also decrease as a result of other several factors. But with Estrogen Therapy, this situation can be alleviated, providing a series of benefits as explained below.


The benefits of estrogen therapy outweigh the risks, and some of the common ones include the following.

Treats Menopausal Symptoms

Menopause only affects ladies. As a lady begins puberty the levels of estrogen start to rise, and this gradually increases throughout the potential childbearing period. When menopause starts to creep in then estrogen starts to diminish. During this period the body starts to show symptoms such as vagina dryness, sleeplessness, chills, hot flashes, and heavy perspiration. Estrogen therapy is used to lessen the burden that comes with menopause.

Promotes Vaginal Health

The vagina is a sensitive organ that is easily affected by falling levels of estrogen. The tissue composition and the lining of the walls are most affected and this might result in pH imbalances, dryness, soreness, inflammation, and irritation. With the reintroduction of estrogen into the system, the vagina gets replenished.

Replaces The Ovaries

Ovaries are part of the system that produces estrogen naturally. When they fail to produce this hormone, they suffer immensely. If the issue is not treated timely the ovaries might fail, warranting their removal. And even when or if this happens, the body still yearns for estrogen. Fortunately, estrogen therapy is used to counter the effects that arise from the removal, in most cases, premature menopause. In other unfortunate instances, not only are the ovaries removed but also the uterus.

Improved Bone Structure

When estrogen levels reduce in the body, the bones tend to suffer. They start wearing out without being repaired which affects their structural integrity. They become brittle and for some patients, affect the spine causing a forward hunch over time. Estrogen therapy helps in rebuilding bone cells and is also known for the prevention of osteoporosis, which is a bone-thining disease.

Side Effects

While there are great benefits for estrogen therapy there are also a few side effects that might arise from the procedure. Below are some unpleasant instances you could possibly encounter.


Chances of experiencing blood clots might increase with the continued use of estrogen therapy. The more severe outcome of these clots might include heart attacks, strokes, and untimely deaths.


Increased levels of estrogen can cause the growth of cancerous tissue. This is usually both breast and endometrial cancer. A good way to avoid this is by engaging with your doctor beforehand to screen if your medical history shows the possibility of having either type of cancer. While the risk of cancer increases the more and longer you take estrogen, a lower dosage for a prolonged period might reduce this risk.

Dense Mammary Tissue

The breast might increase in size; this might come as a result of an increase in the density of the breast tissue. This affects the way by which the detection of cancer is conducted.

Pregnancy Complications

Pregnancies that happen during estrogen therapy treatment might end up premature. In other case scenarios, the baby might be born with body defects.

Growth Hormone Therapy

The Human Growth Hormone(HGH) is secreted in the pituitary glands in the brain. It is often used for growth stimulation, especially in children and adolescents. It mainly impacts the body muscles, height, and bones and overall contributes to human development and growth. The pituitary gland reduces the growth hormone production which leads to age-related factors like reduced bone mass, etc.

Growth hormone therapy is intended to introduce the lacking growth hormone in the body for a variety of reasons. Whether you are looking to start treatment to regain your youthful look or for other medical reasons, there are plenty of ways of benefiting from it.

Benefits of Growth Hormone Therapy

Individuals with growth hormone deficiency can benefit from Growth Hormone Therapy in a myriad of ways listed below;

Boost Bone Strength

One of the major advantages of growth hormone therapy is increasing bone strength. Even after an injury, the treatment helps with speedy recovery as well as faster bone regeneration.

Improves Skin Appearance

To regain glowing, youthful skin, you could get HGH. It helps to boost collagen production in the body and in turn, improves the skin’s appearance. Even skin lines from aging are rejuvenated, improving the quality of the skin while making it stronger and more elastic.

Improves Muscle Mass

Aging is one of the major culprits associated with muscle mass deterioration. HGH not only helps with muscle gain but also slows down muscle mass decline, preventing the situation from worsening.

Promotes an Active Lifestyle

Because of aging, your energy is not the same as before. For instance, bones start to get feeble, which might affect your ability to exercise or indulge in other types of physical activities. The administration of HGH makes your bones stronger, making it easy to exercise. In addition, it improves mood, concentration, productivity, memory retention, and sleeping habits, enhancing your lifestyle.

Treats Body Deterioration

Conditions such as AIDs or HIV can cause serious deterioration of the body. Introducing HGH therapy helps to alleviate the condition while making the patient stronger and healthier. Metabolic process and immune system improvements by the therapy also play a part in treating body deterioration.

Risks of Growth Hormone Therapy

A few risks are associated with HGH therapy, but oftentimes, incorrect dosing might be the cause. That is why it’s important to always follow up with your doctor to ensure that adjustments are made to reduce possible risks. To that end, the following are some of the risks associated with Growth Hormone Therapy;


In simpler terms, edema is the swelling of the arms and legs as a result of fluid retention. Growth hormone deficiency is linked to low levels of plasma volume, total body water, and extracellular water. When GH is administered, it restores the body fluid compartments easing the dehydration. As such, this side effect is more beneficial than dreadful.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs as a result of excessive HGH. It causes numbness, pain, and weakness in the wrists and hands since it affects the median nerve located between the hand and forearm.

Muscle and Joint Pain

HGH therapy might also cause muscle and joint pain as well as stiffness. While it is effective in improving different effects of age-related decline, some patients experience joint and muscle pains after HGH injections.

Testosterone Therapy

Testosterone is more present in men than in women. It is primarily produced in the testicles for men and the ovaries for women. During adolescence and early adulthood, the levels are quite high. Through the natural process of aging, the levels start to dip as every year passes by.

Through the introduction of testosterone therapy, physicians aim at fixing premature decline in testosterone levels in the body. Reduced levels might be diagnosed by symptoms such as reduced muscle mass, decreased sex drive, dampened mood, and poor verbal/thinking capabilities.

What Are The Benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy(TRT)?

While TRT helps to alleviate testosterone decline in the body, is it worth it? A simple answer is, yes. Whether it is for medical or non-medical usage, the benefits reaped are plenty. Here is a quick rundown of how you could benefit from TRT.

Improved Circulatory System

Ample testosterone levels within the body ensure that the production of red blood cells is optimized. This, in turn, helps the feeding of oxygen to the muscles and other tissues, improving overall body function.

Increased Muscle Mass

Another effect of low testosterone is the increased fat deposits throughout the body. The layer of fat in most cases reduces the mass of the muscles. Once the therapy is kick-started there is a significant increase in lean muscle mass. Most men under the treatment are usually advised to incorporate strength training to improve muscle health.

Improved Bone Density

The testosterone levels in aging men are usually low which leads to poor bone health. Men with testosterone deficiency at an early age suffer the same fate. The introduction of the therapy assists in regaining critical bone growth while ensuring that it has a rigid structure and a dense composition.

Better Memory

Testosterone is a key component in fighting ailments such as Alzheimer’s and Dementia. The hormone has been found to help in brain health thus making testosterone therapy responsible for improved critical thinking and memory storage.

Rekindled Sex Drive

Testosterone is responsible for how the body responds to sexual stimulation. Sexual activity in men is greatly attributed to the levels of testosterone coursing through the body. However, improved sex drive does not mean that testosterone therapy helps with erectile dysfunction. The causes and treatment of such dysfunction are beyond the scope of this hormone replacement process.

Increased Dopamine Release

Dopamine is responsible for the good feeling people experience. With the increment of testosterone levels, there is also an increase in dopamine. This improves moods and reduces irritability.

Side Effects of TRT

Testosterone treatment therapy has its fair share of side effects which are either mild or serious. Each individual is different and the treatments don’t work exactly the same for all patients. So while someone else might experience immediate side effects, it might not be the case for you. That said, below are some of the common side effects of TRT.

Prickly Appearance

The face and the skin, in general, might be a casualty of the therapy. Increased testosterone in the body increases the oily composition of the skin. This usually helps with the growth of hair but on the downside, might cause pimples and acne.

Weight Gain

This shouldn’t be confused with increased fat. The therapy might play a part in increasing fluid retention within the body. And by that making, you might get a little weightier than before.


The increased testosterone brings boosts the level of alertness and increased brain functioning. The ugly side is that it might affect your concentration span.

Development of Breasts

The tissue around the chest might experience some level of increment. While the appearance resembles grown breasts, in reality, it is as a result of denser tissues around the area.

Decreased Testicular Size

Testicles are primarily responsible for the natural production of testosterone. Through testosterone therapy, the testicles tend to lose the functional ability to produce the hormone. This eventually affects their size.

Estrogen With Progesterone HRT

This is a type of hormone replacement therapy that caters to two hormones at the same time. The hormone is a combination of estrogen and progesterone. The administration of estrogen alone can stimulate the growth of the uterus lining if you have never had a hysterectomy(the removal of the uterus). This is why it is paired with progesterone, to strike a balance and prevent this from happening while thwarting endometrial cancer.

On the other hand, if your uterus has already been removed, progesterone might not be necessary. In some instances, progesterone can also be substituted for progestin which is a progesterone-like type of medication.

Usually, this type of hormone replacement therapy is administered in different options such as:

  • Cyclic HRT– Here, estrogen is administered for 25 days of the month before progesterone is introduced; this is often on the last 10 to 14 days of the 25 days. Afterward, the treatment is withheld for about 3 to 6 days.
  • Continuous- Cyclic HRT. As opposed to the above treatment, it has no withholding period. Estrogen is provided throughout while the progesterone is induced in the last 10 to 14 days.
  • Continuous-Combined HRT. In this type of provision, the two hormones are administered daily. 
  • Intermittent-Combined HRT. Estrogen is introduced daily into the body while progesterone is occasionally added to the treatment.

These two hormones naturally work together. Their major role in HRT is to help maintain the optimal functioning of the reproductive system, especially the uterine lining.

What Are The Benefits?

Hot Flashes Reduction

The introduction of progesterone on a daily basis ensures that the overnight hot flashes are reduced, making them more bearable. It also plays a crucial part in reducing night sweats. Some studies have proven a 65-90% decrease in the frequency and intensity of hot flashes after the administration of estrogen with progesterone.

Improved Sleep

Sleeplessness is one of the most annoying types of symptoms that come when menopause kicks in. The combination of the hormones during therapy plays an integral role in maintaining calmness and a sense of relief throughout the night.

Better Mental State

The treatment has been researched and the results show that it has helped patients regain their cognitive abilities.

Common Side Effects

Allergic Reactions

This ensues with some patients where their bodies fight off the introduction of progesterone. In some cases, the allergies might arise due to the wrong dosage.

Fluid Retention

Patients might start experiencing swelling on their limbs and sometimes a sense of bloatedness. In other instances, patients might start feeling like they have added a pound or two.

Aches and Pains

The aches are usually felt in the abdominal area and the head. They sometimes come with a vicious intensity that might bring about a nauseating sensation.

Affect Menstrual Patterns

Even though the two hormones are responsible for maintaining the proper functioning of the uterine walls, they might cause irregular shedding of the endometrium. This might result in hard-to-track menstrual patterns.

Key Take-home

As much as any treatment is carried out for the benefit of the body and the person, your system might occasionally try to fight the introduction of certain medications. The side effects are always part of the healing process. However, if they become greater than what you can handle then there is a problem. As such, a certified physician needs to be with you at every step of the journey.

It’s advisable to seek HRT treatment from clinics that are reputable not only for their work but also their treatment plan and monitoring of their clients. No side effect can be too great to handle or even cause a fatality when you have medical personnel by your side, ready to respond to your beckon and call.

Before a treatment gets to be undertaken, the doctor takes several precautions to avoid pairing you with an unfit treatment. Due process is observed. The doctors get to know your personal health history as well as your family’s history. Exams are conducted to check if there are any underlying issues and finally a dosage is prescribed.

The side effects do not warrant a direct seizure of the treatment. The medical personnel will make adjustments to the treatment plan to reduce the issues that you are facing. It is advisable to keep taking your medication unless instructed otherwise by your physician. By working with Prolong Labs, you get to enjoy services from trustworthy practitioners. We will help you to get a clinic that has your best interests at heart.

Start Here

HRT is just one of the ways of treating hormonal imbalances and deficiencies. We offer help at no extra cost in getting good anti-aging clinic to work with you that will have a list of different treatment options for different problems. Drop us your info on this page and we’ll be in touch shortly.


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