Ipamorelin and Weight loss, Does It Work?

31Janipamorelin weight loss

When it comes to shedding the extra weight, people have different reasons and goals for doing it. Many reasons are usually health-related but other people aim to look and feel good about themselves. The dedication to achieve this feat is directly tied to consistency and discipline. It can be working out, changing your diet, or cutting off some toxic routines from your day-to-day living. Your options for weight loss are somewhat limitless.

However, for some individuals, the issue might be skin deep. They might need the intervention of a medical professional so as to get to their preferred size and weight. Prescription weight loss medicine is the most common way that’s non-invasive. Most of the drugs work by altering how the body breaks down fats. This comes as a by-product of the introduction of growth hormones stimulating peptides like Ipamorelin.

In summary, you can expect Ipamorelin to be effective in aiding in weight loss. The only thing to keep in mind is that it must be accompanied by diet and exercise to be more effective. Also, you have to make sure to do it under medical supervision.

What is Ipamorelin?

Ipamorelin is a Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide, also referred to as a pentapeptide. This means it has a chain of five amino acids. What makes it stand out when compared to the others is how selective it can be when it comes to which growth hormones it triggers. Its introduction to the body facilitates the secretion of ghrelin.

Ghrelin is mostly found in the gut and it’s responsible for hunger stimulation. Experts say that when there are increased levels of ghrelin that is when your stomach starts growling.

How Does Ipamorelin Increase Growth Hormones?

First, the introduction in the body takes place as a form of a subcutaneous injection around the abdominal area. In other cases, nasal sprays and dissolving oral pills might be used.

The peptide dosage takes five to fifteen minutes before it starts responding. Once it’s in the body it directly stimulates the pituitary gland thus increasing the endogenous production of hormones. When this hunger hormone, ghrelin, is released a chain reaction comes to play. The ghrelin stimulates the hypothalamus which increases GHRH which stimulates IGF-1 that tends to the normal growth of tissues.

Ipamorelin is considered efficient and safe. Due to its selective nature, it stimulates the growth hormones without necessarily affecting the levels of cortisol and prolactin. When the hormone levels rise above the required amount, they might negatively impact the body. These effects consist of; increased breast size in men, weakening of the bones, and early menopausal symptoms, just to mention a few.

Consistently using Ipamorelin also has a significant number of advantages to the body which explains why it has been growing in popularity with the masses. Just like any other drug, clinical research is still being carried out to understand further benefits of the peptide to the body. Here are some of these known benefits that patients can attest to.

  • The repair of the skeletal structure especially the joints
  • Boost in energy 
  • Improved bone density
  • Increased muscle mass
  • Improved collagen production and skin health
  • Overall improvement of cell generation
  • Reduced levels of body fat
  • Weight loss

What Ipamorelin Does for Weight Loss

Before getting into the science of how peptides help in weight loss, there is a need to get a clear picture of how the body gains fat in the first place.

The heavy consumption of sugars and carbohydrates increases the levels of sugar within the bloodstream. The pancreas in turn produces insulin that works to move the glucose to the cells. Excessive sugar is stored in the form of fat. When you fail to change your diet, the body stores the excess fat instead of getting rid of it.

Another common factor directly correlated to weight gain is the decreased levels of growth hormones(GH). Sufficient levels of GH can mitigate any accumulation of excessive fat, boosting metabolism, and maintaining good muscle cell structure. A decline in growth hormones means there is also a decrease in IGF-1 ( insulin-like growth factor). The IGF-1 is responsible for the proper functioning of the cells and tissues, by maintaining a smooth distribution of protein, fat, and any other metabolic-related functions.

The decline in growth hormones occurs naturally as you age but with the introduction of peptide therapy, the body gets rejuvenated. And this is where Ipamorelin plays a huge role.

Ipamorelin is most favorable for the development of lean body mass as opposed to fat buildup. The peptide acts as a double-edged sword stimulating the growth of muscle tissue while burning away fat. This is promoted by the increased metabolic rate. In as much as there is an introduction of Ipamorelin into the system, you are advised to take up a proper diet that works well with the new peptide therapy. To maintain a slim body frame, a steady intake of proteins and vegetables doubled with reduced levels of sugar and carbohydrates is greatly advised.

Ipamorelin has also been found to have a beneficial effect on the health of connective tissues and bones. Pairing Ipamorelin with a strict exercise routine has an outstanding impact on your weight loss journey. Healthy connective tissue and bones translate to fewer injuries and a quicker recovery time.

Boost in energy, improved sleep patterns, and happier moods are attached to GH therapy. These changes play a key role in the perspective of your day-to-day activities. You get to enjoy a more active lifestyle which can lead to less time overeating and being cooped up indoors.

What Are People Saying About Ipamorelin?

The use of Ipamorelin has found its way in popular lifestyle posts and scientific research. Usually, these are geared towards improving weight issues as well as enhancing other areas of life. To that end, below is what people are saying about Ipamorelin;

Weight Loss Coaches and Ipamorelin

Ipamorelin is highly regarded by most coaches. Weight loss coaches have had extensive research on what regimen works for different people over the years. There have been previous comparisons with other peptides and the effect can’t compare to what Ipamorelin has to offer.

Coaches have backed this peptide therapy mainly because of its great impact on the improvement of the muscle structure making them stronger and receptive to exercises. The other advantage of using Ipamorelin as mentioned by most of these gurus is that it has negligible side effects tied to it. Rashes and redness occur near the area of injection but that clears up once the body gets used to the dosage.

Athletes and Ipamorelin

Ipamorelin works really well, and it is evident in most athletic bodies that have responded positively to the treatment. In the realm of UFC Ipamorelin has been banned and considered to be a doping problem but that’s only because it’s potent enough and it has superb results when it comes to improvement in performance.

The issue with the peptides being used on athletes is that it gives them an upper hand over their competitors, which is considered unfair. This only goes to show that peptide therapy has the magic touch in improving body function.

However, for individuals who work out frequently and enjoy an active routine, Ipamorelin therapy comes highly recommended. This helps them with quick recovery and increases their energy levels. In addition to that, Ipamorelin has the mildest of side effects, which means it poses little to no danger as opposed to some other options being peddled around.

Nutritionist And Ipamorelin

Losing weight and maintaining a low body fat composition go hand in hand. And the most important step in managing this is by adopting good eating habits. As the common saying goes, you are what you eat. Nutritionists advise individuals to strike a balance on the types and amount of food that they consume.

Controlling any individual’s appetite can be hard once the production of ghrelin hormone starts to dwindle. On the brighter side, the introduction of Ipamorelin therapy into the body helps to facilitate a sound feeding pattern.

Anti-aging Clinics and Ipamorelin

Growth hormone production starts to take a dip in production as individuals get older. As mentioned earlier, growth hormones work in the body to prevent several complications that might arise, excessive weight gain being one of them.

Anti-aging clinics have incorporated Ipamorelin therapy into their artillery. The combination of Ipamorelin and CJC 1295 has been shown to get the work done quicker and better. The combination works by burning fat, rejuvenating the muscles, and reenergizing the individual. Other significant benefits that are tied to anti-aging include; improved suppleness of the skin as well as the growth of the nails and hair. When combined with a proper diet the immunity gets an up kick.

With all the information dispensed above, one question might still be lingering in mind;

Is It Worth It?

If you are looking to lose weight or benefit from maximized muscle growth, then Ipamorelin is worth it. When introduced to the body, Ipamorelin does not completely replace your growth hormone but instead, improves the body’s ability to produce the hormones. By doing so, it helps to enhance your physical appearance as well as performance.

While Ipamorelin therapy is an effective measure of weight loss, it is also important to incorporate a healthy lifestyle. Your physician or nutritionist would be in a position to develop a medical weight loss plan suited to you, in addition to the treatment.

Oftentimes, by the time you reach the age of 30 years, there is an approximately 35% drop in growth hormone production. A decade later that number will have gone up to a 60% drop. You can’t reverse your age but you can improve on the production levels of growth hormones.

This is possible through peptide therapy, specifically the use of Ipamorelin which is known to improve the human body in different ways. This begs the question;

How Does It Benefit You?

Ipamorelin therapy benefits you in a myriad of ways. For instance, it helps to reduce under-eye bags, frown lines and wrinkles, while enhancing the overall tightness and quality of your skin. It is also known for the treatment of stress disorders, osteoporosis, inflammatory diseases, insomnia, Alzheimer’s disease, and autoimmune disorders.

This therapy is championed by athletes thanks to its positive impact on post-workout recovery. It works to restore body tissues inclusive of bones, ligaments and tendons, as well as joints. It also sharpens cognitive function and enhances better sleep at night. Low sex drive and sexual performance can be enhanced through Ipamorelin peptide therapy.

When you start using Ipamorelin, CJC-1295 might also be administered together with it for several valid reasons. These two have benefits tied to them as shown below;

  • They ease the signs and symptoms that come with aging
  • Act as a healing agent to wrinkled skin. By building up more collagen deposits the skin becomes tighter, supple, and moistened. Skin cell rate of regeneration is boosted.
  • The therapy cuts down the amount of fat that often settles around areas like the belly, aiding weight loss.
  • There is improved sleep and overall better moods
  • People who have surpassed their prime age can expect to experience a boost in energy after starting the treatment.
  • And the icing on the cake is the improved immunity system.

Throughout an individual’s life, the growth hormones help regulate body composition which includes muscle mass, fluid balance, fat breakdown, stamina, and heart function. All this plays a part in how much you weigh at any given point. If you long to regain the beauty, strength, and health that comes with young age then Ipamorelin can help you recapture all that is missing.

Bottom Line

There is no greater investment like one that improves the state of your health. While it is advisable to eat a balanced diet, exercise, and drink enough water to stay healthy, Ipamorelin peptide therapy can be used to give far much-desired results.

At Prolong Labs, we have made it easy for you to get anti-aging clinics that offer the best services. The practitioners available take time in examining the current state of your body. They conduct tests that might include body scans and blood work to guide them on the therapy that suits them perfectly. A clear explanation of side effects is always given to the client because transparency is the order of the day. We will always ensure that you are in safe hands throughout your journey towards youthfulness and weight loss.


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